The journal is included in Web of Science (ISI Web of Knowledge) | Scopus | EBSCO | ARTbibliographies Modern | Design and Applied Arts Index | European Science Foundation (European Index for the Humanities – ERIH)

Jaroslava Lencová - Martin Halata

Veltruské veduty Jana Ranzmayera ze sbírky Ústavu dějin umění AV ČR

The collection of the Institute for Art History of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic contains 18 works of the virtually unknown landscape and interior painter Jan Ranzmayer. The authors of the article report on his views of Veltrusy, from which the most interesting - from the documentary point of view - are especially those portraying three now extinct structures of the palace park: a Chinese pheasantry, a sheep pen and a so-called Christmas tree - a feature of 19th century garden culture. Aside from this, the authors also look for the reason behind Ranzmayer's activities at the Chotek estate in Veltrusy, which may have been his position as a summertime professional drawing teacher of aristocratic children. The possibility of his influence is indicated in the works of Chotek's second-born son, Emerich.

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