Lidia Głuchowska
Cubist Idioms and Reinventions: Decentred Microhistories from Central Europe
Eleaonor Moseman
The Social Scope of Bohumil Kubišta’s Cubism in Habsburg Prague
Lidia Głuchowska
The Multifaced Image of the Polish Idiom(s) of Cubism and Links of the ‘Poznań Expressionists’ to the Czech Artistic Scene
Małgorzata Geron
Reception of Cubism in the Artistic and Theoretical Achievements of the Formiści Group (1917–1922)
Gergely Barki
Known and Unknown Hungarians: Early Hungarian Cubist Idioms
Aleksander Bassin – Lidia Głuchowska
Cubist Idioms Hidden within the Discourses on Modernism and the Avant-Garde in Slovenia
Caroline Goldberg Igra
Framing the Shtetl: The Manifestation of a Cubist Style in the Work of Early Modernist Central-East European Jewish artists
Filip Facincani
Dalibor Prix (ed.), Středověké venkovské kostely východních Čech I. Archidiakonát hradecký do roku 1378 / Jaroslav Skopec (ed.) Středověké venkovské kostely okresu Louny
Tomáš Kolich
Petra Kolářová, V kroužcích dýmu
Emma Hanzlíková
Markéta Hánová – Yuka Kadoi – Simone Wille (edd.), Collecting Asian Art
Veronika Košnárová
Tomáš Hylmar (ed.), Ladislav Zívr: Deníky 1945–1952