Editors Introduction
Barbora Kundračíková – Fedora Parkmann
Photo: Science: Art History. Mutual Interactions in the Era of a New Universalism
pp. 259–264
| summary | PDF |Articles
Martin Jürgens
‘A crowd of mercurial globules’: Microscopic Examination as a Precursor to Etching Daguerreotypes in 1839 and 1840
pp. 265–278
| summary | PDF |Kelley Wilder
Photographs, Science, and the Expanded Notebook
pp. 279–289
| summary | PDF |Anaïs Mauuarin
Photographers in the Museum: French Anthropology and the Aesthetics of Images (1930–1950)
pp. 290–302
| summary | PDF |Reports
Magdalena Vukovic – Andrea Fischer
The Camera as a Tool in Geography: Parallels between Friedrich Simony’s Pictures of the Dachstein and the Use of Photographic Images in Geography Today
pp. 303–311
| summary | PDF |Nadiia Bernard Kovalchuk
Scientific Imagery Re-Coded: The Appropriation of Scientific Photography Aesthetics in The Late Soviet Non-Official ‘Creative’ Photography – The Case of Oleg Maliovany
pp. 312–324
| summary | PDF |Reviews
Alena Pomajzlová
Eva Bendová — Ondřej Váša, Od balonu ke kosmickému vědomí. Aviatické eseje o české letecké duši
pp. 325–327
| summary |Susanna Pasquali
Taťána Petrasová (ed.), Pietro Nobile (1776–1854). Neoclassicism between Technique and Beauty
pp. 327–328
| summary |Lenka Bydžovská
Petr Wittlich, Rodin
pp. 329–331
| summary |Vendula Hnídková
Jasna Galjer, The Foreign Designer. Antoinette Krasnik and the Wiener Moderne
pp. 332–333
| summary |Karolína Fabelová
Catherine Krahmer, Julius Meier-Graefe: Ein Leben für die Kunst
pp. 334–336
| summary |Marie Foltýnová
Michaela Čadilová — Zuzana Křenková — Vladislava Říhová (edd.), Sochy a města Morava. Výtvarné umění
pp. 336–339
| summary |Annotations
pp. 340–343
Česká resumé / English summaries
pp. 344–349