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Alain Erlande-Brandenburg

La cathédrale Saint-Guy de Prague et ľacces latéral des cathédrales

St Vitus Cathedral and Side Entrances to Cathedrals

pp. 197-202 (Czech summary)

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Dany Sandron

Laon, la catedhédrale aux sept tours

Laon, a Seven-Towered Cathedral

pp. 203-210 (Czech summary)

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Peter Kurmann

Filiation ou parallele? A propos des façades et des tours de Saint-Guy de Prague et de Saint-Ouen de Rouen

Kinship or Affinity? The Front and the Tower of St Vitus Cathedral in Prague and Saint-Ouen Cathedral in Rouen

pp. 211-219 (Czech summary)

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Alain Villes

Ľancienne grande fleche de la cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Châlons-en-Champagne

The Original Helmet of the Big Tower of Saint-Etienne Cathedral in Châlons-en-Champagne

pp. 220-234 (Czech summary)

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Christian Freigang

Les tours de transept autour de 1300. Remarques sur la différenciation architecturale de la liturgie dans les cathédrales gothique du Midi de la France

Transept Towers Around 1300. Notes on the Architectonic Differentiation of Liturgy in the Pastoral Churches of Southern France

pp. 235- 245 (Czech summary)

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Nicolas Reveyron

La tour recentrée ou la réorganisation ďun paysage monumental (Lyon XVe siecle)

Tower Reorientation, or the Reorganisation of a Monumental Portrait of a City (Lyon, 15th century)

pp. 246-255 (Czech summary)

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Thomas Flum

Zur Baugeschichte des Freiburger Münsterturms

On the Construction History of the Freiburg Dome Tower

pp. 256-261 (Czech summary)

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Petr Chotěbor

Der grosse Turm des St. Veitsdoms. Erkenntnisse, die bei den Instandsetzungsarbeiten im Jahr 2000 gewonnen wurden

The Big Southern Tower of St Vitus Cathedral. Knowledge Gained from a Reconstruction in 2000

pp. 262-270 (Czech summary)

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Klára Benešovská

La haute tour de la cathédrale Saint-Guy dans ses rapports avec la façade sud

The High Tower of St Vitus Cathedral and its Position in the Whole of the Southern Front

pp. 271-289 (Czech summary)

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Ivo Hlobil

Die Bauskulptur ander Frontseite des Parler-Turms am St Veitsdom zu Prag

Architectonic Sculpture on the Front of St Vitus Cathedral's Parlerite Tower

pp. 290-304 (Czech summary)

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Taťána Petrasová

Die unvollende puristische Instandsetzung des hohen Turms der St.-Veits-Katedrale zu Prag (1879-1911): Quelle der Erkenntnis und Ursprung von Irrtümern

Unfinished Purist Repair of the High Tower of St Vitus Cathedral in Prague (1879-1911): a Source of Knowledge and a Source of Errors

pp. 305-320(Czech summary)

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Barbora Zlámalová

Jan Zrzavý a Věra Jičínská: zpráva o přátelství. (Dopisy a vzpomínky z pozůstalosti zapomenuté malířky)

Jan Zrzavý and Věra Jičínská: a Report on a Friendship (Letters and Memories from the Estate of a Forgotten Painter)

pp. 321-333

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Arthur Saliger

Das internationale Parler-Symposium in Schwäbich Gmünd vom 17. bis 19. Juli 2001

The International Parlerian Symposium in Gmünd in July 17-19, 2001

pp. 333-335

Martin Pavlíček

Nástěnná malba Trůnního sálu biskupské rezidence v Litoměřicích

Wall Painting of the Throne Hall of the Bishop's Residence in Litoměřice

pp. 335-337

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Pavel Vlček

Anglický krajinářský park v Krásném Dvoře

English Landscape Park in Krásný Dvůr

pp. 337-349

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Milena Bartlová

Evelin Wetter, Böhmische Bildstickerei um 1400

pp. 349-352

Olga Kotková

Jarmila Vacková, Odpovědi obrazů. Mistři starého Nizozemí

pp. 352-355

Markéta Svobodová

Marie Platovská, Josef Gočár. U Černé Matky boží, Praga

pp. 355-356

Karel Srp

Karel Teige, Modern Architecture in Czechoslovakia and Other Writings

pp. 356-360


pp. 361-362

New Additions to the Literature on Art History

pp. 362-365